Flappy Bird Adventure

Created by @HerbsRy, inspired by @dongatory and @epicwihlborg.


25 points required.


50 points required.


75 points required.


100 points required.

Red Bird

The Red bird.

Blue Bird

The Blue bird.

Yellow Bird

The Yellow bird.

Classic Bird

Classic Yellow Bird.

Green Shroom

This guy will try to distract you.

Orange Shroom

This guy will try to distract you.

Blue Shroom

This guy will try to distract you.

Red Shroom

This guy will try to distract you.

About Flappy Bird Adventure...

Quick Breakdown...

Prior to making this game I had read a lot of books on web development, one of the first books that I read was Sams Teach yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours which helped me understand the concept of a web page and the DOM (Document Object Model). I then moved on to understand the HTML5 markup language; tags and structure; I read HTML5 Step by Step (Step by Step Developer) which was perfectly written to allow any level of developer to understand. I then had to learn about CSS3 to compliment the new HTML5 markup, that's when I found CSS3: Visual QuickStart Guide... a little diamond from Peach Pit. I figured now I'd need to understand JavaScript, so, off to the book store I went to grab a copy of JavaScript Pocket Reference. After that I was gearing up to study for Exam 98-375 HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals, so, I went ahead to grab a copy of Exam 98-375 HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals (Microsoft Official Academic Course) which is a fantastic little book written perfectly for the exam (it also comes with free practice tests). After passing the exam I wanted to learn more about the new HTML5 <canvas> element and what it could do beyond the scope of dynamically drawing lines and moving objects on screen, so, I went off to do some research. After realising that I was limited by my own imagination I started to make the game.

I came across Max Wihlborg's YouTube video here (which I instantly fell in love with) so I downloaded the code, stripped it down to the bare metal and built it back up piece by piece exactly how I envisioned my version of this game to be. To help manipulate my elements easier I referred to jQuery and this book: Learning jQuery which was a blessing; I would highly recommend this book to anybody that's slightly interested in learning jQuery, it really is a great little reference. I found jQuery helped a lot here because it allows you to write JavaScript in a shorter, simpler to read form. jQuery was a life saver; as the game grew larger so did the code and without jQuery it would have taken twice as long to produce using vanilla JavaScript.

Once the game was built I needed a place to host this on the web so that I could access it from anywhere and share the love. I signed up with Microsoft Azure and deployed the game shortly after, but first, I needed to learn about ASP.MVC which is the platform that I use on Microsoft Azure. When creating my first project using Visual Studio I built this website using ASP.MVC, C# (which I learned about here: C# Programming in Easy Steps) along with the Bootstrap framework which can be downloaded here. To help me along with learning ASP.MVC I used the following book: Professional ASP.NET MVC 5, which helped me understand some basics but a lot of the information in the book was a little advanced (until a few re-reads later...), however, it's a great book if you're at an intermediate to advanced level.
I hope you enjoy playing the game as much as I enjoyed building it...

Future Updates...

Updates to be made to the game and website...

  •   Enable Touch Events for iOS...
  •   Disable iOS Page Scroll ...
  •   Add a Pause Button to the game...
  •   Full Screen Tablet Function...
  •   Add more Animation...
  •   Publish the Application Code...
  •   Encrypt the Local Storage...
  •   Optimise Code for Faster Loading...
  •   To be continued...